Ippin Oryori Ootaki, established in 2013 in Matsuyama, Shikoku, is a beloved restaurant set in a town renowned for its hot springs and literary heritage, home to the historic Dogo Onsen. Owner Mr. Ootaki, who trained in Kyoto, uses his expertise to carefully select seasonal ingredients, creating dishes that highlight the natural flavors of the ingredients.
The menu offers a variety of options, including both course meals and à la carte dishes, allowing flexibility based on your occasion and budget. With up to 50 different à la carte options, you can enjoy a dynamic selection prepared from the freshest daily ingredients, making every visit an exciting culinary experience. The Kaiseki Course and Seasonal Hot Pot Course are particularly popular, offering a true taste of traditional Japanese dining.
To accompany the meal, a selection of local sake from various regions is available, thoughtfully paired with the seasonal dishes for a complete dining experience. The restaurant’s Japanese-style interior, with its comfortable counter seating and private rooms, creates an elegant atmosphere that feels welcoming, even for first-time visitors.
Whether you are a gourmet traveler or a local, Ippin Oryori Ootaki offers an unforgettable dining experience, where each dish tells the story of seasonal flavors and culinary craftsmanship.
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