Kappo Shirataka is a renowned kappo (traditional Japanese) restaurant with a rich history spanning around 60 years, nestled on a quiet back street in Nagarekawa-cho, Hiroshima’s largest downtown area. Originally founded as a general merchant in the Taisho era, the restaurant adopted the name Hakutaka, which is also the name of a local sake the establishment still proudly serves. The first-generation owner personally visited a sake brewery in Nada to acquire the rights to use the name, establishing a deep connection to Hiroshima’s sake culture.
Kappo Shirataka offers a sophisticated and intimate setting, featuring a one-piece counter that allows guests to engage with the chefs while enjoying their meals. The space embodies a traditional yet elegant aesthetic, making it an ideal place for savoring exquisite food and sake.
For those seeking a taste of traditional Japanese cuisine paired with top-quality local sake, Kappo Shirataka offers a truly authentic dining experience steeped in history and flavor.
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