Nestled on the picturesque Yume Kyobashi Castle Road, just beyond the Kyobashi Bridge that spans Hikone Castle’s moat, this restaurant is a celebration of Omi beef — one of Japan’s top wagyu varieties. With beef sourced directly from its own farm, the restaurant guarantees a level of quality and freshness that distinguishes its offerings.
Menu Highlights:
Specializing in Omi beef dishes, the restaurant’s diverse menu showcases the meat’s versatility through both traditional and innovative preparations.
The restaurant offers a cozy and inviting atmosphere, perfect for casual meals or special occasions. Located near Hikone Castle, it’s an ideal stop for visitors seeking a culinary experience that connects them to the region’s rich culture and flavors.
An exceptional destination for savoring Omi beef, where tradition and innovation come together to create an unforgettable dining experience.
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